
Introducing Stardust Dance Academy

Stardust Dance Academy offers weekly classes in Modern, Contemporary, Commercial, Gymnastics and Cheerleading and showcase their work regularly. The academy has over pupils ranging from three years upwards.

Stardust teachers are members of the British Theatre Dance Association, International Dance Teachers Association, British Gymnastics and Zumba fitness. Stardust prides itself on having a 100 pass rate in medal tests, with students achieving the highest grades.
Dancers perform in shows, carnivals and festivals around the country, including performances at Sadlers Wells, The Queens and Her Majesty’s theatres, London, as well as annually at The Royal Albert Hall. All dancers have the opportunity to take part in our annual shows at the Solihull Arts complex.

Dancing with your feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another

“People have asked me why I chose to be a dancer. I did not choose to be a dancer, and with that you live your life.” Martha Graham

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